To take care of anyone in isolating or quarantining and to protect those vulnerable in our community, we’re offering telephone appointments to all patients, DVA card holders and Children under 16 years will be bulk billed.
Speak to your GP from the comfort of your own home and collect your scripts at a pharmacy that’s convenient for you.
1. Please call 59751066 to make an appointment
2. The doctor will call you at your allocated appointment time
3. Any scripts will be faxed or escript to the pharmacy of your choice or available for pick up at the clinic.

Our clinic is open as usual to care for the community. You can visit in person or book a telephone appointment (see below).
If you plan to attend the clinic, please answer the following two questions first:
1. Do you have any cold and flu like symptoms AND did you travel overseas in the last 14 days prior to the symptoms starting?
2. Have you been in contact with anyone who is a known case or suspected case of coronavirus, any healthcare workers with direct contact with patients, residential care workers or aged care workers with fever and an acute respiratory infection?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, please DO NOT attend our clinic. Please call the DHHS Covid-19 Hotline 1800 675 398 or present to a Coronavirus screening clinic.
To protect yourself and others, please remember to wear a mask when you are coming in for an in person consult. Please also use the hand sanitiser provided as you enter the practice.
Thank you for your understanding and assistance in keeping our community safe.

online bookings
We look forward to seeing you soon at our ideal location at the Beach End of Main St, Mornington.
To protect yourself and others, please remember to wear a mask when you are coming in for an in person consult. Please also use the hand sanitiser provided as you enter the practice.
Saturday Mornings are not Bulk Billed.

new patients
If you are new to our clinic, see new patient form via the link.
Please print, fill out and email a scanned copy to practicemanager@beachendmedical.com prior to your first appointment, or bring with you to your appointment.