We’ve partnered with MoleMap to bring advanced dermatologist skin cancer checks to the Mornington Peninsula. New MoleMap Check is both more accurate and more affordable than traditional skin checks thanks to revolutionary dermoscopic equipment and telemedicine technology.
2 out of 3 Australians will have a melanoma by the time we’re 70. Sadly, every 5 hours, one Australian dies from melanoma, despite the fact that most melanoma is treatable when detected early.
To add to the problem, mole checks can be costly and inaccurate when the latest technology isn’t used, resulting in unnecessary biopsies or mole removals.
Why get a moleMAP check?
It’s 5 times more accurate than a GP check. Each mole is assessed by an expert MoleMap dermatologist. This lessens like likelihood of removing a mole that is benign, or not harmful. GPs remove 20 moles for every 1 melanoma. Dermatologists remove 12 moles for every 1 melanoma. MoleMap removes 4 moles for every 1 melanoma.*
At $219, it’s more affordable than traditional thorough skin checks thanks to new telemedicine technology. Your moles are sent through to a dermatologist who examines them virtually, yet your appointment with a trained melanographer nurse keeps costs down.
You receive consistent, trusted care. When we receive the results from the dermatologist in 5-10 working days, you’ll see your Beach End GP who’ll know your medical history.
It’s thorough based on what you need as an individual. If the dermatologist determines that your skin is higher risk, you’ll be referred for a Full Body MoleMap for thorough surveillance care. If not, you won’t be locked in to costly appointments.
Who should get a MoleMap Check?
A MoleMap Check is a point-in-time assessment that’s suitable for anyone without family history of skin cancer who has a low to medium number of moles, or a particular mole of concern that’s changing shape or size.
*Statistic via (i) MoleMap Internal Audit. Benign to malignant ratio from a sample of 700 recommended excisions from 2010-2013. Sensitivity from documentation of reported missing melanomas, (ii) Youl, P. H et al, Diagnosing skin cancer in primary care: how do mainstream general practitioners compare with primary care skin cancer clinic doctors? Med J Aust 2007; 187 (4): 215-220. (iii). Carli P, et al. Improvement of Malignant/Benign Ratio in Excised Melanocytic Lesions in the ‘Dermoscopy Era’: A Retrospective Study 1997-2001. B J Derm 2004; 150: 687-692.