Flu Vaccines

Please call reception to book your appointment (03) 5975 1066

It’s never been more important to look after your health and in particular, to protect yourself, your family and our Mornington community.

The Department of Health advise that vaccination is the best protection against the flu. Flu and coronavirus together are referred to as the ‘dreaded duo’, as both can cause severe pneumonia.

Vaccination is a safe and effective way to help protect you from the flu. By getting vaccinated, you also help protect those that are too ill or too young to be vaccinated and help slow the spread of the disease.

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 Flu Fact Sheet

  • Flu strains change constantly, so you need to update your vaccine every year.

  • Flu spreads from an infected person coughing or sneezing and someone else breathing it in or touching an infected person and then touching their mouth, eyes, or nose.

  • Infections can be 2-3 times higher in spaces where people are closed in, like family homes or childcare centres.

  • Other people at greater risk than others are:

    • Obese people

    • Smokers


influenza vaccine 2025

Who is eligible to receive free influenza vaccine?

  • people aged 6 months to less than 5 years

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and older

  • pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy)

  • people aged 65 years and older

  • people aged 6 months and older with the following risk conditions putting them at increased risk of severe influenza and its complications:

    • cardiac disease

    • chronic respiratory conditions

    • chronic neurological conditions

    • immunocompromising conditions

    • diabetes and other metabolic disorders

    • renal disease

    • haematological disorders

    • children aged 6 months to 10 years on long term aspirin therapy.

Children aged under 9 years receiving their influenza vaccination for the first time require 2 doses of vaccine, spaced by a minimum of 1 month.

Private vaccine cost for those not eligible $21.99
